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Female Founders, Funders and Fearless Leaders.

Hotwire Australia

Flip the Focus podcast series amplifies female founders, funders and fearless leaders in tech

We’re excited to unveiled a new series, bringing voices from technology and marketing together to discuss key topics shaping the industry.

The first instalment of ‘Flip The Focus’ comes in the form of a podcast series, created and hosted by Hotwire Australia’s Creative Director, Jen Dobbie, and will feature voices of female funders, founders and leaders

Flip the Focus provides multiple opportunities to unpack some important conversations in tech. With our first podcast launching around this year’s International Women’s Day, it was a great opportunity to hear from some of the most extraordinary female voices in the industry. And yet we know that lasting change won’t happen if we only act one day a year, so Flip the Focus is about providing clear information and compelling perspectives to inspire action. It’s not about quieting anyone’s voice. It’s not about less funding for male-led tech businesses; it’s about levelling the playing field for everyone. We want to amplify voices who are traditionally less likely to be heard; female funders, founders, and fearless leaders in tech.”

Flip the Focus Creator and Host, Jen Dobbie
Who’s on the podcast?

The first episode sees Noga Edelstein, venture partner at Black Nova VC and NSW Government adviser, speak to Jen about new environments for investment, the role gender plays in funding success, and what society could be doing to help amplify female voices in the Australian tech space. Future episodes include local and global funders, founders and leaders with inspirational tales of innovation in tech.

Nine fun facts on funding

Listen to the Episode to hear fascinating insights from Noga’s extensive experience as both founder, and funder – including:

– Funding Types and Focus;
– Pitch Tips,
– Looking outside your environment for investments
– Actively backing female led tech startups
– Talking about tech funding in your circle of influence
– How to pitch your business to funders
– Why the funding system is broken
– Why unicorns aren’t the one true north they’re framed as.

We’re helping very small numbers of women, and we haven’t made a dent in the overall system. This is not a women’s issue. This is a systems issue.

Noga Edelstein, Flip the Focus
Listen now

Listen to the full episode of Flip the Focus
Find out more about Flip the Focus guests and Eps; and read our take on all things tech

Flip the Focus with us

We want to share every tech story we can. So, Flip the Focus is a series designed to take you into the world’s of some of Australia’s most fascinating female Funders, Founders and Fearless Leaders. Through podcast episodes, events, long & short reads, Flip the Focus will help us amplifying female Funders, Founders and Fearless Leaders – across Australia and the globe.

 *Diversity Council of Australia, Inclusion at Work Study